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Daily Inspiration: Meet Candace Urquhart

Today we’d like to introduce you to Candace Urquhart.

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I’ve always been a creative mind; even as a child. My mother would always call me the next “Martha Stewart” lol. I would design and create things and sell my work to family and friends. On top of all of that I have a passion for helping others.

I receive such gratitude knowing that I’ve helped put a smile on someone’s face, to help someone have a better day or even help them on their way to a better life style.

In high school I found myself interested in a lot of Business Management and Marketing courses.
I’ve always told myself that I’d own several businesses one day. Later on, I found myself helping friends and coworkers promote their brand and startup businesses for free. I was their “go to” person for input and decision making.

I’ve always had great communication skills, I’ve always had a passion for learning something new. If I didn’t know something, I’d find out. It wasn’t until my mid 20’s when I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own side business doing advertising and marketing. As time went on I’ve changed a lot of my business and its presence because of course I’ve changed and so has time. Now, I am able to hold multiple clients, Not only because of the work I do but because of how genuine I am. Most companies charge big bucks for the same services I offer; what sets me and my competition apart is that I not in it for the money; I’m in it for your success!

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Not at all… I wasn’t really in to school like that. After high school I didn’t want to see another school ever again. I had college credits; but school just wasn’t interesting to me which left me to learn everything I needed to learn on my own.
Over the years, I landed a few Telemarketing positions that I hated; because who likes to make cold calls, right?
I knew what I liked to do, but didn’t know how to make a career of it because no one would accept me without a degree. Years down the line, I landed another Telemarketing position. But this time was different. It was one of the best jobs I’ve ever had because I was courtside the business owner. This owner was a complete mentor to me. Everything I wanted to learn about anything; he taught me. He never made a fuss and most of all he taught me to believe in myself and my work. Soon after leaving that position, I found myself without work for a while and decided to take a leap and reinvent my business. Of course I had to do the one job I truly hated which was make cold calls but I did it anyway. Within a day of just a few calls and a lot of research; I landed two clients and made that a goal ever since.

As a lot of people know things change ALL THE TIME. For instance rules and regulations for SEO.
Let me start by saying this, before starting my business all I knew how to do was make a phone call and create artwork. I didn’t know anything about Web Design and Development, I didn’t know what email campaigns were, let alone how to create one, CRMs, SEO; nothing.
I didn’t even have a laptop to do work at home. Everything I know now, I had to find a way and make a way. I had to travel everyday to the library and sit until closing to obtain the resources I needed, to develop my website, to learn everything I needed to learn because Marketing is what I love to do. (It allows me to do the two things I love the most; helping others and creating things.) Not having proper tools on hand made the journey very tough but definitely rewarding.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I am a hardworking professional at heart. I strive to be better than the day before. Anything that needs to be done I can do and will not allow myself to rest until it’s complete. I also have a loving, nurturing demeanor. I believe a lot of my clients and the people around me feel the energy I bring.

I hold very high values and expectations for myself and those who I work with, I will never treat anyone anyway I wouldn’t want to be treated, I’m always observant and ensure that I am listening to those around me.

Customers love great customer satisfaction. I believe that it’s easier to retain a customer being new to an industry and treating them the way they need to be treated than someone who’s been in an industry for years and providing horrible service.

I believe a lot of companies tend forget that it’s the customer who matters most; not the money. Without the customers, there wouldn’t be a successful business.

Can you talk to us about how you think about risk?
I’ve taken the risk of spending bill money to purchase a laptop so I could learn necessary criteria to build myself and my business.

I’ve went a few months at a time without an actual job just so I could work on building my business. Having one income in this lifetime isn’t easy especially while raising a newborn.

I think to be successful in any business you have to take risks, as the old saying goes ‘Times change; people change” and in that change; you have to change to keep up. Sometimes that change involves risk.

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