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Hidden Gems: Meet Dora Tramel of DAT’s Good Cooking

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dora Tramel

Dora, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
I was raised mostly in Midlothian, Texas by my aunt and grandparents. God, education, love, empathy and compassion were actions that my grandparents constantly reiterated the importance of, along with a healthy dose of realism. I excelled in magnet/gifted and talented programs from 2nd grade until I graduated high school in the top 10% of my class. I faced racism, hate and discrimination from an early age and still. I was discriminated against by classmates, teachers, coaches, parents, bosses, family, and friends not only for being black, lesbian or good at what I do but standing up for myself. I listened and read about the lives of Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, Martin Luther, Alexander The Great, Langston Hughes, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Abraham Lincoln and watched the news with my grandfather but did not quite understand hate, racism and discrimination until it sculpted the beast that I am today.
Racism, hate and discrimination is why I cook, I fight, I love, I lead.
But this fight is not just mine, it belongs to the human race because every one has faced this one time or another. Therefore, I created a culture of acceptance, love and education with my businesses and within my life. That is what God put us all here to do but sometimes we forget even myself. That is why we need a culture on earth. Working in restaurants with a melting pot of races, learning EACH INDIVIDUAL PERSON’s story not just taking them at face value added fuel to my entrepreneurial fire!

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
My struggle has been with my soul. It takes a lot to start something and see it through to the perfection I expect. I am very analytical and have been pivoting all my life but sometimes I don’t need to pivot I just need to stand.
Stand in my own confidence with God as my guide but because I am used to constantly grinding, helping other people and figuring it out, my anxiety goes crazy when I have to be patient and trust not only God but the work I have already put in ALONE.
But WWJD??

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
DAT’s Good Cooking is a catering business that manufactures and sells bbq sauces, seasonings, and salsas online and in person. We specialize in bbq catering but can take you on a food voyage across the world… with exact authenticity.
I am proud of my brand because it represents me, the things I love and the things I hope to improve in this world.
The DAT’s is my initials Dora Ahyanne Tramel. Dora means God’s gift feminine and Ahyanne means God’s gift masculine. I have no children so my businesses are my gift from God, which will eventually be a gift from God in someone else’s life whether from employment, investment or just eating good none overly processed food that tastes like home even if home is 10,000 miles away.
My logo contains a colorless man smiling holding a pose with his hands that my Big Daddy used to make, honoring mine and my brands commitment to equality for all human beings.
I want readers to know that we are not just looking to improve working environments, customer service, farm to table eating, or our sales. We are putting our best foot forward everyday to improve humanity and curve the scaling of inhumanity and selfishness.

How can people work with you, collaborate with you or support you?
I always need a kind word but I am sure that is not what you are talking about!
Just email me with questions or suggestions, it is that simple!

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