Today we’d like to introduce you to Amir Smith.
Hi Amir, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers.
At first, we started off as just an Instagram page, and we all realized we weren’t doing anything. We actually had no impact, so we went into a meeting, and we decided we we’re gonna start with education, so I posted a webinar post on Instagram, and we started with a to educate, and we started reaching out to schools and other people to start hosting webinars and sustainability education: we ended up starting a few campaigns to raise money for sustainable energy because something that I realized not too long ago was that if clean energy was more affordable who knows the effects it could have on our society as a whole like how much less gas and oil would be used in heating, and other things like stovetops. We ended up donating that to produce some energy for low-income families, and we like came up with the idea “clean and redeem,” so to compensate for fuel tolls, we raised funds as part of our Politically environmental fund for eco-friendly energy and planting trees- today we have planted 54.592 (part of our fundraising was the selling of my book-The sustainable mosaic) but now we’re more focused on energy: but I guess that’s how we really got our start!
We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
No, it hasn’t; the very first time we launched it “flopped,” it was very bumpy, but after 2 rebrands, we made it to what we are today: at first, we started off as just an Instagram page, and I realized I wasn’t doing anything really, so we started with a few webinars to educate, and we started reaching out to schools and other people to start hosting webinars and sustainability education:
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar, what can you tell them about what you do?
We are a youth-led campaign hoping to promote, support, and inspire energy equity, legislative action, and soon environmental degrowth. We’re known for our innovative approach to energy equity and becoming a youth-based org that is more than just an account- by inspiring youth leaders, campaigns, and soon legislative action- currently were in the process of writing a bill to hopefully be introduced and passed by Texas gov! (HB/SB) (crossing our fingers)
What do you think about happiness?
Learning like things are always changing; without learning, it doesn’t mean anything like if you had all the knowledge in the world, it would mean nothing, and still, you don’t know everything.
History, being able to see and know about something that happened hundreds of years ago and knowing that I can make the next history book. Ambition in knowing that I can make the next thing happen; anything can happen!!!
Contact Info:
- Website: thepoliticalenvironment.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepoliticalenvironment/