Today we’d like to introduce you to Isabelle Merlo
Hi Isabelle, so excited to have you on the platform. So before we get into questions about your work-life, maybe you can bring our readers up to speed on your story and how you got to where you are today?
I knew I was meant to be a dancer when my mom brought me to see my very first dance show. Before then I was unsure of what I wanted to do with my life but after the show, nothing else shook my conviction that I was meant to become a professional dancer. I grew up in Montreal Canada, but went to school in a suburban neighborhood outside of the city because it had the best music program in the south shore. When I told my mother about my dream of becoming a dancer, she didn’t hesitate to enroll me in the best dance program for a beginner with ambition like me. I was pursuing music and dance at the same time when an even bigger dream started to inhabit my thoughts; I wanted to study in New York City. I told everyone about it with such excitement that people started to believe my crazy plans, but when it came the time to apply to colleges, the dream slowly faded away. Timing wasn’t right and I was also infatuated with a guy in my class that ended up becoming the first love of my life. We stayed together throughout my first years out of high school and I kind of got lost in the relationship. It wasn’t until Covid-19 hit that I started to dream again about the possibility of leaving Montreal to follow a more promising career path in New York City. After my dance studies in New York, I moved to Berlin to follow an opportunity in a contemporary dance company. It turned out to be the experience I needed to realize where I belonged and to finally find my artistic calling. Now I’m back in New York, believing in my power and potential more than ever and ready to thrive out of any challenge that comes my way.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
I think my most difficult shares of challenges were before I grew up. While writing this article, I can admit it’s been approximately 6 months since I realized and accepted my situation and pro-actively started to change the direction of my life to orient it towards my long term goals. Before that, I struggled with being on time, staying emotionally resilient, focussing on myself instead of seeking the unreciprocated affections of men, managing my money and most of all, loving myself. All of these issues haunted me for so long until I was responsible for repairing a giant mistake I made this year; moving to Berlin. Leaving New York turned out to be exactly what I needed to realize I belonged in New York, but the responsibility of it made me realize everything I could lose by coming back and how small all my other personal battles were compared to it. After coming to terms with my decision of coming back after sacrificing so much leaving, everything seemed to fall into place seamlessly; I grew up. Making it work in New York mattered too much to me now and falling back into old habits was no longer an option because there was simply too much to lose. See, it’s all about perspective. Once I found a connection to the bigger picture, I couldn’t have started to save money, become more emotionally resilient, develop standards and boundaries with men, be on time and fully love myself if I wasn’t fearlessly going for what I want.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Ever since I went to live in Europe and discovered what burlesque could be, I aspired to elevate my art and become my own brand : AprilMay Productions. AprilMay Productions is meant to represent my burlesque repertory and all the artistic disciplines I incorporate within it. I play with seduction, tease, comedy and bring conceptual fantasies to life, not to mention that through those fantasies is how burlesque allowed me to channel holistic expressions of all my layers of character. Additionally, my training as a dancer has allowed me more physical accessibility and technique when I perform, which is what I believe will make AprilMay Productions all the more enchanting. I called my brand a production because I couldn’t decide on a principal discipline. Of course my acts are mainly dance-based, but there is a lot more in store for AprilMay Productions to reveal next. As a musician, dancer, singer, costume designer and choreographer, I think my mix of talents reinforce the power and definition of my performances in a unique way. Besides wanting to grow a business in burlesque and cabaret entertainment, I try to also continuously elevate my dance training in order to maintain my chances of ever potentially working a full-time dance job. My brand will always be my own and available for me when I need it, but I will always remain open-minded if another avenue opens its doors to me along the way, especially if it’s related to my main discipline; dance.
We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
Something people don’t know about me is that I am extremely goofy. Because I give off an overall serious vibe, people tend to be intimidated by me. I am actually very goofy, am not afraid to laugh at myself and don’t like to take myself so seriously!
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.aprilmayproductions.info/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bellemerl/
Image Credits
René Killus
Giovanni Trinchese
Natalia Sanchez