Today we’d like to introduce you to Maude Favre.
Hi Maude, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today.
Since childhood, I have always been attracted by alternative medicine. Being born in a small village in the Swiss mountains, access to doctors was difficult.
During that period of time, I was treated by alternative medicine, which was practiced in a common way and work well on me.
So, I grow up having no knowledge that it was something special until I travel the world for many years. During my journey, I learn many different technics of hypnosis and when I got my Instructor degree, I decided to open my own practice in Switzerland.
To have the call for something is great, to have a plane to make it happen is necessary, I knew that my dream without a plane would stay a fantasy. So, I worked for 5 years in private banking. Not the best years of my life but my motivation to by independent and to help other was my thrive. Finally, my J Day came, and I decided to leave my job. I gave my boss my letter of resignation and told him what I was going to do. He literally felt of his chair saying I was creasy. Leaving a comfortable salary to sell “wind” (that the exact word he used). He couldn’t understand but he accepted anyway, telling me if I change my mind or things didn’t turn out the way it was expecting, I could always apply for a job in the bank.
Now it has been 18 years I practice hypnosis and each and every days is a wonderful journey, with no regret, even though the road had up and down, lots of cycle down, getting clients was very difficult especially when you start something unknown to the public and you start with zero,
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall, and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
In 2005 hypnosis wasn’t as common as it is today. I had to struggle with peoples’ strong believes about hypnosis. It was seen as magic or witchcraft, something like I could make them do something they didn’t want to or access their minds and get secret information. When fiction is link to reality, it is a long process to make people understand that hypnosis is a therapy for well-being. I’m not Tinkerbell. It is important that good intention is necessary in the process in order to get the best result,
It took me a lot of perseverance and self-confident to overcome those ideas. When your patient is sitting in front of you and tells you “I don’t believe in it” or “I’m skeptical ” is really a challenge to get that mind set in another perspective
Finally, little by little I got great result in my practice and people looking for weight loss, stop smoking, insomnia, phobia, anxiety attack, stress management, etc., started to call.
Over the years I build a strong reputation in my practice and work with hospital and doctors. I do more a more online session as it has become parts of daily comfort, I now have patients from all over the world.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
What is Hypnotherapy?
It generally refers to the therapeutic use of hypnosis to help you to change habits, without symptoms or work on a variety of stress, conditions situations, emotions.
What is Hypnosis?
Is simply an altered state of consciousness. Although hypnotists still give the command “Sleep!” and later “Wake up!” This is a verbal shorthand. The subject remains conscious throughout. He does not become a zombie or black out. In fact, many people report that they actually feel more awake in hypnosis. Hypnosis is NOT control. Contrary to popular belief, no-one can hypnotize you against your will. Nor can they make you do something that is against your will.
Can anyone be hypnotized?
Any (normal) person can be hypnotized, if they have a good hypnotherapist.
Imagination, sensitivity and susceptibility are three important components in the ability to be hypnotized. A positive attitude toward hypnosis and a waiting state are key elements to achieve goals and objectives. The reaction we hear frequently and during session, we reached a wonderful feeling of peace, tranquility and inner well-being. We leave this experience revitalized and relaxed. Hypnosis can be used to relieve a lot of issues and stress. There is no specific number of cessions, it depends on each person.
Hypnotherapy is the therapeutic use of hypnosis to help with different issues or problems such as to help quit smoking, give up alcohol, to lose weight or to change you habit with food, learn to manage anxiety or stress. It can also be used to help combat things such as low self-esteem or confidence, improve your ability to relax, or increase your sports performance or ability to speak in public or sugar addiction. Hypnotherapy focuses on those changes.
Hypnosis for weight loss:
Gastric band or ring hypnotherapy is a technique used to help you lose weight. Hypnosis brings suggestions to your subconscious that you have had a gastric band fitted around the stomach. The suggestion is made on an unconscious level, to make it believe that you’ve had a physical procedure, and your stomach has reduced in size. This process is virtual guided by the sound of my voice. Hypnotic gastric band is a positive and effective way of transformation, with food and other compulsive behaviors. Therefore, your cravings are fading away, you don’t think about food the way you use to. Most people say that the attraction for a healthier food comes easily and naturally.
Hypnosis to stop smoking:
Hypnosis is a great and effective way to quit smoking. It works to break the negative behaviors and thinking patterns associated with smoking. When a person makes the decision to stop smoking, the key aspect is to let go of the routine and change how they view cigarettes. Breaking an addiction like this is a challenge and with hypnosis it makes it easy.
Hypnosis for anxiety:
Do you feel stressed, worried or nervous about something? Usually, these feelings are fleeting and they disappear as quickly as they appear. However, when you have anxiety these feelings last longer and can be much more intense and can make everyday tasks difficult, and you may avoid certain situations because the emotions are too strong and it holds you back from doing the things you want.
With Hypnosis there are several different techniques and tools that can help you to change your relationship with anxiety by releasing the root cause of the problem.
Hypnosis for insomnia or sleeping problems:
Sleep has a huge impact on our overall health and well-being. When we become sleep deprived, we can start feeling exhausted, be more easily overwhelmed by stress, lacking in motivation. A prolonged period of poor sleep, mental and physical health can be affected. Hypnotherapy helps to overcome them and to sleep in more depth and recovering state.
What sort of changes are you expecting over the next 5-10 years?
As hypnosis is becoming more and more accessible on digital platforms, sessions one on one on video conference call will increase as people are getting use to do things from home to avoid traffic and save time.
My App « hypnosis with Maude Favre » https://apps.apple.com/us/app/life-coach-with-maude-favre/id1220010842 or for Android accessible on my website «maudefavre.com » https://maudefavre.com/?lang=en will hopefully help even more people.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://maudefavre.com/?lang=en
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hypnosemaudefavre/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/favre.maud
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maude-favre-02778860/?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fmaudefavre.com%2F
- Other: https://itunes.apple.com/fr/app/hypnose-maude-favre/id1220010842