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Hidden Gems: Local Businesses & Creatives You Should Know

Every day we have a choice. We can support an up and coming podcaster, try a new family-run restaurant, join a boutique gym started by a local fitness champ or we could keep giving away our money to the handful of giants who already control so much of our commerce. Our daily decisions impact the kind world we live in; if we want a world where small businesses are growing and artists and creatives are thriving then we should support them with our time, money and attention. We’re proud to highlight inspiring creatives and entrepreneurs each week in Hidden Gems series. Check out some of our latest local gem features below.

Christen Reyes

So, I thought it would be special to create an award system for dance education, and present those awards at the Festival. I contacted my mentor, mentioned above, Joy Bollinger, to see if she would help support this idea of awards, and collaborating with Bruce Wood Dance, as Bruce Wood is also a Fort Worth native, and they have been supportive since day one! Essentially, I just want dance, dance education, dance as a profession to take off in Fort Worth, because far too long has amazing things been happening, but not many know about it. Read More>>

Gifted Summer Fest Co.

It has not been a smooth road for us; however, without error, there is no growth. We have faced challenges in planning and expanding our brand, from marketing to networking. There have been difficult times when we struggled to get others to see our vision as we do. Many people have come and gone from our team, and while it’s understandable that some leave, we recognize that without change, there is no growth. Nevertheless, we continue to roll with the punches and stay focused on the mission that God placed on our hearts for this city. Through it all, we have witnessed God’s grace and glory each year. Read More>>

Taylor Alyssa

Now that I’ve been in Dallas for almost two years, I see how my journey is coming together. My goal is to uplift and show love to the underdogs—those who feel overlooked or underestimated. Through my work as an influencer and model, and my future career as an esthetician, I want to highlight the inner beauty and strength in everyone. I aim to demonstrate that it’s not the struggles we face that define us, but how we rise above them. Read More>>

Malia Marino

As mentioned before, after moving to Texas, I received tragic news. It felt wrong to be away from family, and I even considered going back because you never know how much time you have with loved ones. The move itself was also a challenge. I had to choose between postponing my graduation or staying behind without my fiancé. We had been living together for a year, and the thought of doing long-distance for six months did not sit right with us.  Read More>>

Desiree Catherwood

I worked there until I felt like my craft was perfect. I then became a master stylist at this studio. I decided to take another leap! To open up my own suite again. Being my own boss has always been my priority. My lash business is successful. I love what I do! I love the relationships I have built with my clients that I consider my friends. I’m excited to see where my business can grow from here. Read More>>

Nikeya Webb

ME, you & Real Estate is a podcast that me and my cohost Shaneice Brown just recently started. We started this podcast because as real estate agents our age , we have noticed how fearful and misinformed a lot of people are in regards to real estate. Even though this is a new project for us we know that the podcast will take off because it is needed ! For Example others our age need to know things such as different programs for down-payment assistance and programs in place to help buyers and sellers ! Read More>>

Fatema Biviji

Being a business owner was never a childhood dream. Rather, I was captivated by the idea of doing something “smart” like being a scientist or a teacher. But when the opportunity to attend medical school presented itself, I ended up choosing to be a mom instead. While motherhood provided me with the most fruitful moments of my life, the kids are grown now and running a business seems like the “smartest” thing I could do for myself, my family, and the neighborhoods surrounding us. Read More>>

Marissa Scroggins

But that’s what brought us into Scopesurance, after meeting thousands of prospects and clients, we realized that there is often a huge gap in the knowledge of the buyer and the insurance company. And that was really concerning because it’s easier to take advantage of people who are either uninformed or misinformed. So this year we decided that we wanted to empower the average consumer and help them prioritize their families and their wallets because the insurance company can feel like a casino at times…the house always wins! Read More>>

Lisa Trigsted

Lisa was born the oldest of seven children and my parents gave her a lot of responsibility. It was then that her natural gifts of organizing presented itself. After careers in marketing and teaching, Lisa decided to go for it and open her own home organization business in 2017. Lisa’s business grew quickly and HSN (The Home Shopping Network) came knocking and asked her to create a line of organization products to be sold exclusively at HSN. Lisa now has a team of nine and her business is thriving. Read More>>

Michelle Ross

So, I focused on performing services from my home on friends and family. I also dedicated myself to ongoing education and learning new practices. Once I felt confident in my abilities and techniques, I decided to open my own business as a solo esthetician. It has not been easy, but it has been very rewarding. I’m excited about the possibilities to come. I hope to see more growth as I continue to gain new clients and receive positive reviews. It is not an easy time to start a new business, but I know that I have what it takes to be successful. I will continue to dedicate myself to making people feel beautiful. Read More>>

Karsten Williams

My first season didn’t go as planned—I fell on the very first obstacle. But that initial failure fueled my determination, and I soon began to find success, eventually becoming a household name. This journey opened up exciting opportunities for me, from leading workshops to attending grand openings, and even traveling the world. These experiences inspired me to open my own Ninja gym brand. Read More>>

Natalie Harrison

I’ve been singing since childhood and often made up songs for fun. I always knew that singing was an outlet for me. From my creative imagination or telling a story of friend, I’ve used music to reach others. Read More>>

Cora Dunn

We wanted to create an environment that solely focuses on supporting each other and building each other up rather than the typical corporate cut throat competitiveness you see everywhere else. A place where people could go and know they were getting products and services that real people poured their heart into. From that Moonlight Energy Expo was born. Read More>>

Blaqspace Dna

Peace and Royal Blessings to you all Iam BlaqspaceDNA the first Original BBoy of the South I created Breaking in the south with a DJ crew of soundboys and pop lockers called the “Disco Funkateers” from “Kimberlin Park”we were the first to do it and play what is now called hip hop rap music in the south! There’s only a few of us left alive and I’m the one to tell this unforgotten southern music history of what and how the real Southern Texas hip hop really started ! Read More>>

Bea Dalmacio

The last and current part of my story is that I began utilizing my other skill sets of organizing and planning, along side my love for love, to start my wedding management/partial planning business, “Love Story”. In my daily and work life, my planner is my best friend. I love “to-do lists,” and the satisfaction of crossing things off, so naturally doing this for a living made sense. I truly enjoy watching two people on their wedding day, seeing them in love, and celebrating their love all while being surrounded by their favorite people. It is such a blessing to be a part of! Read More>>

Anagha Kolanu

It’s about rewiring your brain, setting clear intentions, and cultivating a belief in your own ability to change your circumstances. This philosophy is now at the heart of everything I do. Whether through my social media platforms or personal interactions, I am committed to inspiring others to unlock their own potential and design the reality they envision. My journey stands as a testament to the fact that no matter how lost you might feel, there is always a path forward. And that path begins with harnessing the incredible power of your mind. Read More>>

Carrington Whigham

From a very young age, I knew leadership, speaking, performing, and advocating would always play an essential part in my life. I am the daughter of Mr. Andrew Whigham, III, and Dr. Deardra Hayes-Whigham, from Tampa, Florida, and Baltimore, Maryland, who moved to Dallas in the 80s in pursuit of their careers. They knew very few people in this big city, but boy, did they establish themselves very quickly, providing a carefully crafted VILLAGE for their children. Read More>>

Sravya Vegesna

Starting my baking business was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Creating cakes for birthdays, weddings, and parties has been incredibly rewarding. Each cake blends meticulous artistry with culinary skill, ensuring it’s visually stunning and delicious. The heartfelt messages from clients make all the hard work worthwhile, turning late-night baking sessions into a fulfilling experience. Read More>>

Nicholas Taylor

For me the biggest challenge has been to give myself grace as my business grows and prospers. Building a business from scratch requires a great deal of time, dedication, flexibility, accountability, but most importantly confidence in myself. Any struggle that I have been met with along my journey has been a moment to grow and perfect my craft. Maintaining a proper schedule, planning ahead, and adding new tools to the toolbox on a continuous basis has kept me on course. Read More>>

Tameka Jackson

Driven Radio to form partnerships with Wendy’s, Red Juicy Grab Garland, Cinnaholic, and TGI Friday’s. By the fourth month of the station being on the platform, four radio shows on KPDR Purpose Driven Radio became nominated for awards including National Sounds of Gospel. KPDR Purpose Driven Radio can be heard on Read More>>

Faith Zuniga

Throughout my career journey no it hasn’t been a smooth road challenges and mistakes have been unstoppable but anticipating the hurdles that come with pursuing photography, I understood from the outset that they would be part of the process. Each mistake serves as a valuable learning opportunity, allowing for personal growth, progress, and the acquisition of new skills and walking into a competitive field it’s not easy but I’ve always learned to continue and grow every step of the way. Read More>>

Antwine Antoinette Love

I began baking in Charlotte, NC while still working in corporate America. Baking started as a hobby for family and friends, but gradually gained popularity. My work caught the attention of professional athletes and famous recording artists like Snoop Dogg. I had many achievements, including being featured in national publications and on VH1’s Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Read More>>

Chandra Mayne

I obtained my license in California where I’m originally from in 2010. I actually fell into this industry on accident. A friend of mine asked me to tag along to tour the school she was looking into, Marinello Schools of Beauty. I loved everything they talked about on the tour so much when we got home I begged my mom to allow me to sign up. Me being 20 years old at the time I had no idea that I was falling right where I was meant to land. Read More>>

Jose Silva

I’ve always had a fascination for tattoos, ever since I was little, I remember looking at my dad’s tattoos and would always want to get some for myself. I started drawing at a very young age. After living in Colombia for many years, I was able to get my citizenship in the U.S and I moved to Dallas. I kept working on my art throughout my final years of high school, college and on my free time. After years of hard work I finally landed an apprenticeship here at Cat Tattoo and after sometime I graduated my apprenticeship and I’m now living my dream of being a full time tattoo artist. Read More>>

Teja Vesangi

Recognizing the potential to turn my passion into a career, I made a bold move from IT to full-time photography. I began taking on larger events, including weddings and corporate Events and discovered a particular affinity for Indian wedding photography. The rich traditions and emotional depth of these celebrations inspired me to specialize in this vibrant field. Read More>>


Mariella Ortuno

Moving to the U.S. was both exciting and challenging. It was difficult to adjust to a new culture and way of life, especially after leaving extended family behind. My father was the only one able to work initially, while my sister and I attended school, and my mother stayed home without legal status. After struggling to adapt in Miami and experiencing additional hardships, including the loss of a close family member, we moved to Orlando, Florida. There, I completed high school, met incredible people from all over the world, and my parents opened their own business. Read More>>

Little Dream Play

We are an event planner we rent equipment such as, soft play backdrops, and balloons. We are 3 sisters, moms, and best friends that truly want our clients to be wowed with the amazing work we have for their events. We are genuine women who really want to take the pressure and stress off of other moms who are planning their little ones events.  Read More>>

Katie Del Rio

Like any new journey there will definitely be bumps in the road. Even if you are working in an established studio, you as an individual have to start your business from the ground up. You have to learn to put yourself out there during the ups and downs and just keep pushing through the obstacles. You are your own everything and if you want to succeed you have to keep going. That has been the biggest lesson in my career, do not give up on yourself and give it your all and you will see success even in the small things. Read More>>

Norma Garcia

My time at the shelter revealed gaps in my skills, particularly in providing emotional support to those in distress. This realization inspired me to enroll in a Master’s in Social Work (MSSW) program, where I honed my ability to be a supportive advocate. After graduating and obtaining my LCSW, I dedicated the past 15 years to working with children and families across various settings, addressing issues such as depression, anxiety, life transitions, family conflict, child abuse, and domestic violence. Read More>>

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