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The Most Inspiring Stories in Dallas

The heart of our mission is to find the amazing souls that breathe life into our communities. In the recent weeks, we’ve had the privilege to connect with some incredible artists, creatives, entrepreneurs and rabble rousers and we can’t begin to express how impressed we are with the incredible group below. Check out our favorite stories from across the Voyage family.

A.D. Scott

This journey has been extremely rewarding for me! And after filming them all back to back, it’s also been extremely exhausting lol. But I put a lot into those 4 completely different characters, and I’m so thankful to the production companies who saw something in me and trusted me with the opportunity to tell these stories: JF Bailey Films, Rainey-King Productions, LAS Productions, and Clearwater Productions, LLC. I’m truly excited and I can’t wait to see what the future may bring. Read More>>

Tyler Martin

Some didn’t make it past COVID, and those who did had to overcome a steep uphill climb to get back to we were before all that. 2020 really did a number on the music industry, but it also opened some doors for musicians as well. I think home recording exploded as a result of the world being shut down. There has never been a better time to have a home studio. The resources online are endless for people like me, and its awesome that music-making has become accessible for virtually anyone. Read More>>

Aakash Sridhar

My name is Aakash and I’m a jazz pianist and composer. I consider myself to be from Bangalore, but I was born and brought up in Dubai and always grew up being passionate about music. Through my childhood I was exposed to a lot of different kinds of music from family and friends, including Bollywood, Tollywood, rap, rock and metal. At the age of six I started having formal lessons on the tabla, and began performing for many occasions in my school. My interest eventually shifted towards the keyboard and I began taking a huge interest in chord shapes and harmony and theory. At this point I had not the faintest idea that I would end up choosing a career in jazz piano. Read More>>

Jessica Marchand

I have most recently had the opportunity to produce my own show which took place at Arts on Site on August 29th 2024, in collaboration with my dear friend Natalia Sanchez. “Rocking Chair Tales” is a physical narrative reflecting upon womanhood, family, immigration, childhood, and the psychology involved in such. Questioning “How does culture vs. Person come together?”. after a successful first production of this narrative I hope to keep elaborating and developing this show moving forward. Read More>>

Jasmine Garner

Along side my modeling career, the Lord told me to start ministering to women online about modesty, body image, and self-esteem. In 2017, I launched The Modest Movement Ministry and in 2024 I launched a new platform called Christian Body Image. I became a Dual-Certified Body Image and Self-Esteem Coach to support women and teens who struggle with self-image and identity. Read More>>

Lashunda Baker

And even though I’m not famous and no one knows my name, my mom does and she will always be able to say that I was able to do her hair when no one else would or could. I am also very blessed to still have my mom so I can’t stop just yet. By being her caregiver for the last 10 years it has given me some additional skills, like being able to do hair replacements pieces for anyone who has lost their hair. And it has also shown me that I am supposed to do this, I was made to do this! Lastly, I knew early in life I have a gift that was divinely given, so honestly I don’t know what else I should be doing besides doing hair! Read More>>

Samantha Calatozzo Cobb

I have performed and directed professionally for as long as I have worked for non-profits and corporations doing digital marketing. I wanted to find a way to marry those two worlds so that I could utilize the skills I have from my MBA from Southern Methodist University, and apply them to improve creative businesses in Dallas. I feel so fortunate to have found a way to serve artists in DFW in this way. Read More>>

Madi Grace Schaefer

After high school, I went to Texas Christian University and graduated with a degree in Graphic Design. While I enjoyed the actual Design work I did during school, I came to realize that my favorite part of every project was photographing my work at its completion. I loved how my photos gave me the ability to encapsulate the story of every unique piece of work – this is something that I have directly translated into my career as a photographer.  Read More>>

Alyssa Hultquist

Straight out of highschool, I landed a CAD job with a local engineering company. I love computer and graphics design and learned a lot in the 8 years I got to work at Halff Associates. However, the opportunity came along for me to leave the company and be a full time mom at home. Problem was I love to work, and so I set a goal to make income from home. I tried various things, sold life insurance, jewelry, drop shipping on eBay… we eventually started powder coating the YETI tumblers and reselling them in color!  Read More>>

Mallory Mullen

Then 2020 arrived, and I started hand lettering Bible verses and other encouragements as a mindfulness activity during the pandemic. I realized I still loved this creative outlet and could turn it into a small business. So in November of 2020, Bluebonnet Creative was born. Since then I have expanded to include paper products and stationery items (allowing me to include my graphic design skills alongside hand lettering) and am excited to continue growing and evolving the business. Read More>>

Quindon “Qthespeaker” Hall

Yet I knew remaining stagnate was not an option for me. After a few years of trail and error trying to figure out this thing we call life, it just didn’t sit well with me how you could be dealing with grief and trauma yet the pain was invisible to people. So I started shifting my mission in life to helping others overcome their adversities and knowing it’s ok to continue life and still be mentally well Read More>>

Demri Atkinson

To keep a very long story short, it threw me to the ground and forced me to rebuild everything that I thought I knew and believed in – from religion and spirituality to family dynamics and intimate relationships – all of my past trauma and pain came rushing to the forefront. It was a transformative beginning. A form of becoming if you will. Now here we are, years later. A mother, photographer, writer and agency owner. A multi-passionate being with a multifaceted past. One that allows me to run a revitalized and empowered brand that helps other women step into their own unique callings. Read More>>

Alexis Scott

I started this balloon journey about 4 years ago. It was my daughter’s birthday and I wanted it to be so pretty but i just didn’t have the money to pay for decorations so I decided to do the balloons myself. I thought I did so good. I was proud of my balloons but looking back at it now, it was actually horrible. I kept saying “this is something I can see myself doing. It’s fun and creative!” I never took it serious until last year. My friends kept telling me I was so good and that I needed to take it serious. Read More>>

Candice Madrid

I have had a love of art and design since I was a young girl. I grew up in West Texas outside of Lubbock and in that area we didn’t have much for the arts around that time. I was always very curious about how magazines, billboards, and commercials were created. When I was 16 I went on a family trip to Taos, NM and I will never forget how I felt standing in the art galleries and how the art people created to celebrate their heritage made me feel. At that moment I knew I wanted to create. I wanted to created art and design that made people feel something. Read More>>

Eliza Gray

I had some very strong and career driven mentors in my life. The biggest cheerleader being my Mom. She is in finance with 3 degrees so she has great business acumen, however she never forced me to be anything I am not. I think she is one of the reasons I have such strong convictions about my vision and direction. Other people that had a lot to do with that are my Uncle, close friends and family and my relationship with God. Read More>>


My journey has had its ups and downs. Early on in college, I decided to leave early due to racial injustices. I was a Musical Theatre major which at the time was very on brand and promising but life happened. With that decision to leave being made, I had to take matters in my own hands as far as training, which is why I mainly consider myself to be self-taught. Read More>>

Michie Kelly

For years, I lived in this fog, unsure of who I was or where I belonged. In my 20’s I had times where I would experience such high anxiety and panic attacks, that my doctor suggested I try yoga. At the time, I wasn’t excited about it, I was always too restless. But after a simple 30-minute practice, something profound happened; as I lay in savasana, for the first time in my life, I felt peace. Read More>>

Misty Mcmillan

I felt empowered, strong, and the sport took me into deep waters both mentally and physically. I began to not only take all the available classes at my college, but I would spend my evenings at my professor’s martial arts school, adding to my training. I started competing at local grappling tournaments, which at that time were composed of high school and college wrestlers, Judokas, and other small schools. Before graduating, I was awarded the 1998 AGA (American Grappling Association) points Champion. Read More>>

Dr. Willis Grajales O.D.

I started the company “Need Eye Exam PLLC” as I saw deficiencies in employment opportunities around North Dallas, where many optometry practices were focused on providing quick, five-minute eye exams instead of the thirty-minute quality exams that are truly needed. This ended up creating an issue where companies employ doctors and schedule appointments every 5 or 10 minutes. The doctors don’t have the ability to provide proper care and treat people with humanity. They were forcing doctors to treat people like numbers, under significant time constraints.  Read More>>

Raven Bradford

I am a photographer/content creator. I help business owners by capturing and creating the content they need to promote their business/brand. Read More>>

Douglas Dunn

Our early efforts involved a lot of fundraising and navigating the necessary legalities to establish a nonprofit organization. Through it all, I leaned heavily on faith, and I knew we were on the right path as we slowly started to secure support from the community. Today, we are proud to have leased six fully furnished apartments, offering families their first real homes, a place where they can cook, relax, and feel safe. Read More>>

Corina Villegas

It was during the pandemic that I decided to learn the art of balloon decorations. I self-taught myself by watching YouTube videos. When we were finally cleared from quarantine, I attended a few balloon classes where I mastered my techniques and learned hands-on. I graduated from Texas Tech in 2022, and my small business kept growing. Now I am a full-time educator and run my business from home in the evenings and weekends. All of this would not be possible without the help and support of my family. Read More>>

Shailaun Manning

My love for art led me to co-own a mobile paint party business (7ART Mobile Paint Parties) with my husband, where I get to share creative experiences with others. Currently, I’m working on an album called Me Time, which reflects my personal journey of growth and transformation. The album features a single titled “The Locust Metamorphosis,” which encapsulates the idea of change and rebirth—both personally and creatively. Read More>>

Collin Roberts

After seven years of being bi-vocational, I earned my broker’s license in 2023. I jumped into the full-time business, supporting family, friends, and clients to bring education, service, and stewardship to the real estate industry. We have a thriving business thanks to our incredible network of friends and family who constantly give us referrals, and we were honored to be featured in D Magazine, Fort Worth Magazine, and Real Trends this year. Real Estate has provided me space to be a better husband, father, and friend while being the best resource and advisor for all my clients in building a brighter future together. Read More>>

Brandon Battlehart

Formed in April of 2024, there is a long road of grinding out in the trenches so to speak, building relationships within the community, and local businesses. Ultimately I hope this spreads awareness that Vengeance Overland not only exists, but if a veteran is in need, or a family member or friend of a veteran is in need, they can reach out, and we can be there for them. Read More>>

Ria Urs

While my career initially began in the tech sector following a master’s degree in Operations and logistics and Information Technology, my true passion has always been interior design. The realization that interior design could harmoniously merge the technical precision of engineering with the boundless creativity it offers led me to make a decisive shift towards aligning the two fields. In 2020, I transformed this newfound passion into a business, focusing on innovative solutions alongside design aesthetics. Read More>>

Jhon Molina “el Niño”

Today, in the area of ​​​​north of Dallas, for more than a year now, I continue working as a professor in the city of Plano, Texas, promoting the art in my Flamenco classes at different levels, beginner, intermediate and advance, performing with my dance company “Flamenco Passion” at festivals and private/corporate events, theaters, etc. What I am passionate about is being able to educate our audience or teach my students to appreciate and respect this beautiful art form of Flamenco. Read More>>

P-wig Jones

To be honest, it’s been a rocky road. My addictions and constant touring took a toll on my relationships. I’ve been married and divorced twice, and I’ve missed out on precious time with my loved ones. My child has had to grow up with a father who’s often away, and now with another on the way, I’m determined to be more present. Read More>>

Jordan Walker

I did that for like another 2.5 years, and I saw an opportunity to potentially grow my brand in Houston. In February of this year I finally decided to take that leap. As far as the fragrance company, I had the idea in my head in 2021. Just sitting in my apartment adding up all the money I had spent on other brands of cologne. And the amount of blind buys I would do. So it was like, “okay why can’t I have my own cologne?”. So maybe 4 months later when I was working in the ER at Texas Health, I met my business partner. I was just talking to him casually about my idea, he loved it and we kind of took off from there. Read More>>

Julio Torres

It hasn’t been a smooth road. Transitioning from military life to civilian life presented challenges, especially in finding my next path and purpose. Starting my podcast came with its own hurdles—learning new technology, building an audience from scratch, and managing the ups and downs of creating content. But the struggles taught me resilience and adaptability, which have been crucial in growing the platform. Every setback has been a learning experience that pushed me to improve and keep going. Read More>>

Jamaiya Ford

I love making others beautiful & when they leave my chair, the boost of confidence in my clients never cease to amaze me. After a few years of mostly braiding at home, a few braid shops, & with the support of my family & close friends, I’ve finally decided to step out on my faith & become a full time hairstylist. I am located in Plano, TX in a suite at Crossroad Salon Suites. Coming from Jackson, MS to where I am today has been nothing short of a blessed & highly favored journey & I am forever grateful for each person who has allowed me to make them feel beautiful! Read More>>

Prince Armani

In response to this calling, I joined Kingdom Legacy, a real estate company founded by my friend and colleague, Ferrell Fellows. Despite initial hesitation, I followed what God was instructing me to do and transferred my license to the new firm. The instruction came so heavily upon me at 2 a.m. one morning; it happened so quickly, I didn’t even have time to say my proper goodbyes to those colleagues who were so important to me. Read More>>

Aurelia Jane

A client of mine became my best friend, and in regard to writing, she had more faith in me than I had in myself. She lovingly badgered me to write a book with her. I had never been more scared of putting myself out there. I can take critique, but the online world is venomous. I didn’t want to fail. Honestly, without her—and my husband gently nudging me in the background—I never would have taken the risk. I knew a lot about the publishing industry, both traditional and indie, but I’d always worked behind the scenes. Read More>>

Nikita Patterson

It definitely did not go as I had envisioned. Without being vein but transparent, I just knew that I could attract men to my business because of my esthetics. Not thinking about loyalty being big in this business along with marketing! So in addition to not having enough marketing, I didn’t prepare financially for the startup nor the ebbs and flows. These 2 things were and are major to a startup. I also learned that I needed a CPA, a strategy, a business plan and a community of support and mentors. Read More>>

Jodi Shays

Our Founder’s Journey: Jodi Shays, a dedicated esthetician and skincare enthusiast, honed her craft as a facialist, brow artist, and waxologist just off the renowned Rodeo Drive in the beauty capital of the world – Beverly Hills, California. Her passion for beauty and commitment to delivering top-notch esthetic services laid the foundation for Queen Bee Salon & Spa. Read More>>

Ruben Teran

Probably the biggest challenge was creating reliable credibility in an industry where the investment of time and money can be very significant. We started this company at a very young age (27 years old), and many clients initially doubted us upon learning our ages because our exposure comes directly from our projects, which, thanks to a great team and lots of talent, have a high level of maturity and quality. Read More>>

Itzayana Quintana

Shortly after opening my Instagram page and started offering my services as a makeup artist locally I started to look for a lash school in town and that is when I found Glance Lash Academy in 2022, the community we built there was truly amazing. It all began in a small room in my home, where I transformed a spare bedroom into a cozy space dedicated to lash extensions. At first, it was just a way to express my love for beauty and creativity, working with close friends and family. I was thrilled by the way a simple set of lashes could light up someone’s face and boost their confidence. Read More>>

Natalia Johnson

What started as a dream has turned into a thriving business where my team and I create personalized, unforgettable travel experiences. We believe in creating memories that don’t just fill up your passport but your soul too. Whether it’s a carefully planned itinerary or a quick getaway through our all-in-one booking site, we make exploring the world effortless and attainable. Plus, we are all about helping others start their own travel businesses too, spreading that same sense of travel freedom, time freedom, and money freedom. Read More>>


Natalie Harrison

My name is Natalie Harrison an upcoming independent artist. I’m a native of Baton Rouge and have resided in Texas for the last two years.

I’ve been singing since childhood and often made up songs for fun. I always knew that singing was an outlet for me. From my creative imagination or telling a story of friend, I’ve used music to reach others. Read More>>

Dan Ansari

Ruggle Up as a business idea was started by myself and my business partner Adam. My family in India has been manufacturing rugs and supplying to the world for nearly a 100 years. So in a way rugs and carpets are in my blood having grown up playing on huge bales of woollen yarn and stacks of hand knotted carpets , with the fragrance of freshly dyed wool and jumping of stacks of super soft shaggy rugs. With messing around with the looms and the talented weavers this handicraft cottage industry has always been my first love .After working in the corporate sector in a management role ( which happened to be with a major European Furniture manufacturer), I realised that there was a niche and relatively untapped market for custom rugs and carpets , a market that was not being focussed on or catered for in an organised and systematic way. Any one who was able to do this, for them I knew it would be a very successful business model and that is precisely what i set about doing with my business partner and co founder Adam. So, four years down the line here we are scripting a story of overcoming challenges and pushing new boundaries and charting a path to success. Read more>>

Ingrid Fioroni

I am 52 and a married mother of 8 children ranging from the ages of 32 all the way down to 10 year old twins. I own a local Catering Company in Keller that focuses on Healthy ingredients and Creative Ideas for food display at affordable prices. I have been an entrepreneur since I was 24 years old. I am married to a local Chef called The Nutrition Chef. We have had our business in Healthy Meal Prep together since 2007. He started the meal prep business in Canada when he was in his young 20’s and when we met and got married I jumped on board to help him grow and eventually created a healthy spin on Catering . My focus is to accommodate for allergies as well as omit food coloring and seed oils and Genetically Modified Ingredients. This is what I want to be known for in the Catering world. I work with all budgets and love to give back to my Community through food. We have sponsored many different philanthropic projects and are proud of the products we produce. Read more>>

Rose Flores

Well my story really starts when I decided I did not want to please anyone else and wanted to choose my happiness in being who I knew I was always. When I decided I wanted to transition from Male to Female was when I let go of everyone’s criticism and walk out the box that people had for me. I knew once I choose the path to happiness it was gonna be a long journey to get to where I want to be. It came with many trials and errors but I’ve come so far. Started transitioning when I was 20. Got my first surgery for my transition that I never thought I would get the opportunity. Which was a breast augmentation. 5 years later I was able to undergo Gender reassignment surgery to finally feel more in tune with my body. Following came to the present time of having body contouring to continue improving my mental health and disphoria. Finally I am at a place where my journey is coming to an end with one more surgery left. Every battle I have fought has left me to the happiness I am today. I live authentically me and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Read more>>

Sherman Holman

Moving can be one of the most stressful experiences in life. Whether you’re relocating your home or your business, the process involves careful planning, coordination, and execution. That’s where Just Move comes in. As the premier moving company in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area, we take pride in offering top-notch moving services that ensure a smooth, hassle-free transition for our clients. Read More>>

 Philip Smith

Hello. My name is Philip Smith and I’m a content creator based out of Jacksonville, FL.

My journey thus far has followed a few different paths. First, I did stand-up comedy for about ten years. I started out here in Jacksonville before moving to Dallas, TX. In Dallas I became a working emcee at Hyena’s Comedy Club. That was an incredibly rewarding experience and taught me a lot about the world of stand-up comedy. After a few years in Dallas I returned to Jacksonville where the comedy scene is certainly much different. While I still enjoyed performing, my drive and motivation had certainly shifted. Read more>>

Bjorn Leesson

I was born in the Lowcountry of South Carolina a long, long time ago. I have worked in manufacturing all my working life to feed myself but has nourished my mind with the study of many topics; history of all eras, the paranormal, astronomy, writing of different types, photography, archeology, genealogy, vexillology, some other -ologies, even stock car racing for a couple of years, and on and on. I find just about everything fascinating in some way and have been accused of being too easily entertained. A blend of a few of these interests led to the creation of the Thalsparr Universe. Read more>>

Lauren Dillard

I used to watch the news a lot with my parents and they always educated me about voting and history so that sparked my interest in elections and local government. I originally started my business in 2022 but we just went through a much-needed rebrand in 2024 and officially launched. I love interviews, events, and social media and I believe these are areas in the media space that are important so I wanted my business to offer services to help people in those areas. Read More>>

Chika Nanna

Hello, I’m Chika Nnanna, a first-generation Nigerian American Registered Nurse who loves to travel. I founded the Ladies And Lipstick Travel Club to help African and Minority Women explore the world and embrace our rich cultures.

After an inspiring conversation with travel lover Kevin D Williams at a networking event and speaking with his wife Wendy, I decided to make this club a reality. It’s not just about travel; it’s about creating a community where every trip is an opportunity for fun and making new friends.

The Ladies And Lipstick Travel Club welcomes everyone, no matter their background. We provide exciting trips, monthly meetups, and a supportive community for all members.

Get ready, pack your bags, and put on your favorite lipstick. Join us on this amazing adventure! Read more>>

Hilyale Makor

My journey eventually led me to embrace entrepreneurship, where I’ve been able to combine my passion for fashion, travel, wellness and lifestyle. As an independent entrepreneur and creative, I’ve had the opportunity to work with high-end brands, build a substantial following, and establish a strong personal brand focused on creativity and impactful storytelling. My path has been about leveraging both corporate experience and personal passion to carve out a niche that reflects my skills and aspirations. Read More>>

Ruben Salomon

At first, my business was really a side hustle. I was working as a lead at a company. It was a stable job, but the company was bringing in new management and making changes I wasn’t comfortable with. I knew I wanted to pursue my side hustle as a full-time career, but I was really nervous. Balancing the side hustle with a full-time job, being a father, and managing a personal life can be overwhelming. Read more>>

Kellie Brooks

I began as a children’s book author with a heart full of hope and a head full of dreams. I poured my soul into my first book, imagining how it might touch the hearts of young readers everywhere. I eagerly attended book signings and various events, always with a smile on my face and a stack of books by my side. The thrill of seeing people flip through the pages I had written was indescribable. Yet, as much as I cherished those moments, there was something missing. Read more>>

Tanya Steele

My journey has been full of ups and downs. There have been slow days when business was quiet and hectic ones where I couldn’t seem to find enough hours in the day. Moving to new cities, working in different salons, and navigating the dynamics with clients, fellow stylists, and owners—all of it brought its challenges. Things can definitely get rough, but the good times always outweigh the tough ones. Through it all, my passion for helping my clients and doing what I love is what keeps me going. Read More>>

Alexis Bull

I committed shortly after my visit at UTA. I knew UTA was my home from my first step on campus. The coaches, administration, culture, campus, and the city of Arlington were all I ever imagined. And now that I am actually living the college athlete life here, I can say that I am truly living the dream. Read More>>

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